Magazin Istoric

Magazin Istoric

Chromolitography on the cover of the first issue
Categories History magazine
Frequency Monthly
First issue April 1967
Country Romania
Language Romanian
ISSN 0541-881X

Magazin Istoric (English: The Historical Magazine) is a Romanian monthly magazine.



Magazin Istoric has been publishing since April 1967. The monthly magazine contains articles and pictures about Romanian history and world history. It is written in Romanian language and on the last page contains a brief summary in English, French, Russian, German, and Spanish.


Magazin Istoric was launched in 1967 with support from the Institute of Historical and Social-Political Studies in Bucharest, which functioned under the direct supervision of the Central Committee of the Romanian Communist Party. The first director was Dumitru Almaş (pseudonym of Dumitru Ailincăi, 1908–1995). The first chief redactor was Constantin Antip (born 27 October 1925) and redactors: Livia Dandara, Robert Deutsch, Mircea Ioanid, Gheorghe Rădulescu, Marian Ştefan, Răzvan Theodorescu. In 1969, Cristian Popişteanu (1932-1999) became director and Nicolae Minei (1922-2000) chief redactor.

Among the authors were: Ştefan Pascu, V. Vândea, Dan Berindei, Dionisie M. Pippidi, Constantin C. Giurescu, Radu Vulpe, Ştefan Ştefănescu, M.Petrecu-Dâmboviţa, Constantin N. Velichi, Vasile Netea, Ion Ionaşcu, Miron Constantinescu, Corina Nicolescu, I.M.Oprea, C. W. Ceram, Ion Vlăduţiu, Cristian Popişteanu, Eugen Preda, Camil Mureşanu, Anca Stahl, Florica Lorinţ, Augustin Deac, Aurelian Sacerdoţeanu.


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